Pre-Construction Services

Pre-construction is the process of organizing the project from the development of the basis to design to the start of construction. Clients have utilized R&R’s Pre-construction program to understand any deficiencies that may occur in their construction plans, in order to help them save time and money, through improving the accuracy of the plans.

Clients often engage RR for pre-construction services listed below:

  1. A Pre-construction Schedule – How long is it going to take to get from now to the start of construction?
  2. Construction Schedule – How long is the project going to build?
  3. The client needs to decide on what type of construction is best suited for his design from a cost perspective and needs analysis to run between the different models.
  4. The client is developing a project and needs to establish a budget. Preliminary estimates can be completed to a fairly high degree of accuracy from very few pages of design, sometimes as little as a site plan, floor plan and elevation. R&R’s professional estimators are able to draw on their vast experience to identify all the trades and the various components of those trades needed to build the project. Building components are measured and quantified and then utilizing our database of historical unit costs these quantities are extrapolated out to create a preliminary estimate.
  5. The client wants preliminary pricing at various milestones of a project’s development to ensure the project’s budget is remaining on track.
  6. Plans are in bad shape (and the Client is unaware). Sometimes Clients are reluctant to engage in Preconstruction services as they need to start building as soon as possible, knowing that Preconstruction will cost extra time and money. In some cases, the plans that have been developed for a project are deficient to the extent that reasonably accurate subcontractor bids cannot be obtained. Depending on the state of the plans an extensive RFI list is compiled, or if the plans are really lacking, they will be redlined in order to identify the problem areas for correction.
  7. Project is over budget and Value Engineering and/or scope reduction is required to make the project work.


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